HAIKERBOLE: a law student prone to hyperbole fulfilling her typographic and linguistic desires by writing and designing one haiku on one index card in one shot for one year.


Day 183

Day 182

Day 181

the Comeback Kid

Due to a few health issues, mental and physical, I have taken the month of January off, and have begun to make it up. Enjoy February with smatterings of old January 17 syllable stories, in no particular order.

Day 180

Day 179

Day 178

Day 177

Day 176

Day 175

Day 174

Day 173


Day 166

Day 165

Day 164

Day 163

Day 162

Day 161

Day 160

Day 159

Day 158

Day 157

Day 156

Day 155

Day 154

Day 153

Day 152

Day 151

Day 150